2024 Prevent One Concierge Fund

The goal of the Prevent One Concierge Fund is to support risk management professional development, education initiatives, and “prevent one” claim for California Healthcare Insurance Company, Inc., A Risk Retention Group (CHI), owners.  To ensure unique needs are being met, Optima provides this fund to each owner to access education and services specific to mitigating risk.

Examples for qualifying reimbursement include:

The maximum reimbursement per CHI owner is $2,500 and expenses must be incurred in 2024. Reimbursement request form(s) must be submitted by December 13, 2024. The 2024 Concierge Education reimbursement form must be completed online and submitted with:

  1. Evidence of attendance (if applicable), and
  2. Evidence of payment.  Evidence of payment includes a copy of the facility’s check(s) or credit card payment(s) and invoice(s) supporting the expense(s).

If you have any questions, please contact your designated Optima risk management consultant: