To Wellness…and Beyond! PowerPoint 2022
This recording highlights the evidence surrounding wellbeing and patient outcomes, focusing on how to move in a healthier direction personally, professionally, and organizationally.
Learning Objectives: At the end of the webinar, the participant should be able to: 1) clarify the connection between wellbeing, safety, and organizational outcomes; 2) understand the importance of a holistic wellbeing approach; 3) differentiate between overwhelm, burnout and moral injury; 4) describe consequences of prioritizing work over our own health; 5) review impact of self-awareness and self-compassion on our ability to create resilience from our current and future experiences; 6) practice skills to self-regulate emotions to match your response with the circumstance; and 7) employ strategies to create wellbeing for ourselves and others. Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider number 12205 for 1 contact hour